In Hispanic parenting the gender of the child being reared has not always been taken account for although research shows a difference. “Although the literature is clear that parents of mexican and hispanic descent treat boys differently than girls to socialize them according to specific cultural gender roles, it is less clear whether parents of mexican and hispanic descent emphasize one parenting style over another based on the gender of the child” (Samaniego and Gonzales 1993). Parenting practices also differ between hispanic fathers and mothers depending on the age and gender of the child. Research also shows that tend to be more involved with their children daily than other ethnic groups. There are a great deal of differences in the way Hispanic and other American children are socialized. Hispanic cultures tend to put more emphasis on obedience and respect for adult authority. “ A directive style of communication between parent and child is most common, with little collaborative conversation, elaborated speech models, or early literacy experiences”(Espinosa and Lesar 1994). Due to the value of extreme respect for adult authority, Hispanic parents believe in an absolute authority to the school and teachers, which means they believe the schools job is to educate and the parents job is to nurture. The two jobs do not mix in the Hispanic culture. Hispanic parents like the other major ethnicities hold strong family ties, believe in family loyalty and have a collectivist orientation about community and culture.